Capellini with Turnip Tops

For the capellini con le cime di rapa, cook the pasta according to the package instructions in enough boiling salted water until al dente. Sort, wash, clean and spin dry the stem cabbage. Slice the stems, leaving the leaves whole. Wash and clean the spring onions and cut them into thin rings. Roast the pine … Read more

Vinegar with Nasturtium

For the vinegar with nasturtium wash and dry the nasturtium flowers and buds. Then pour into a large jar, pour vinegar and leave for at least 6 – 8 weeks. Strain and use the vinegar for salads.

Cream Cheese Cake with Raspberry Hood

Jürgen Helmers: A cake highlight of my mother’s that always goes down well. It’s not easy to make, though. Base: The butter as well as the sugar are stirred until creamy. While stirring, the vanilla sugar, the eggs, the flour with the baking powder, the nuts and the cocoa are added. Once the mixture is … Read more

Bruschetta with Pecorino

For bruschetta with pecorino, cut the bread into twelve slices and place on a baking sheet. Drizzle the olive oil over it. Place chopped garlic and cheese slices on top. Sprinkle with chopped walnuts and sprinkle heavily with colored pepper. Bake in the heated oven on the highest setting for about three min, until the … Read more

Bean Pods in Khadi Sauce

A bean recipe for every taste: Break the beans in half. Cover the bottom of a medium pot with 2, 5 cm of water. Put in a steamer insert and pour in the beans. Let the water boil and cover the pot tightly. After 10 minutes, remove the insert, pour out the cooking water and … Read more

Rosemary and Thyme with Two Tiers of Lamb

Separate from the spine, cut in half in the middle, between the carée and the saddle piece. Chop the spine and the bones of the saddle piece about the size of a walnut. Tip: Remove the meat and bones from the butcher ready to roast and chop. Sauté the onions, celery and carrots with these … Read more

Rabbit + Chanterelle Cream Sauce

Soak the roman pot in water for about 20 min. Preheat the stove to about 250 °C. Peel onions and potatoes and cut into thin strips. Layer onions and potatoes in the roasting pan. Season rabbit with salt, pepper and herbs de Provence. Put the rabbit in the roasting pan and pour the red wine … Read more

Chicken with Spicy Apple Stuffing

For the chicken with spicy apple stuffing, wash, quarter and core apples. Dice apples and toast and mix with cream cheese. Wash sage and cut into strips. Add to cheese and apple mixture. Season with salt and pepper. Wash chicken and pat dry. Add stuffing and close the opening. Rub chicken with salt and pepper … Read more

Cauliflower with Bechamel Sauce and Boiled Eggs

Jean Marie Dumaine’s first recipe of the new year is based on a childhood memory. Mother’s simple vegetable dish was more popular with him and his siblings than elaborate dishes with fish or meat. The prerequisite for good success of this simple, substantial and delicious dish is very fresh cauliflower, aromatically and spicy, served with … Read more