Radish Vegetables

Clean the radishes, rinse, rub dry and halve or quarter each according to size. Clean the spring onions and cut them into pieces about 5 cm long. Melt the butter in a frying pan, add the radishes, season with salt and sugar and pour the veal stock. Simmer for about 3 minutes. Then add the … Read more

Blueberry Pancakes

For the Blueberry Pancakes, first mix the dry ingredients together. Combine the remaining ingredients (except blueberries) and then mix with the flour mixture. Let rest for a few minutes. Meanwhile, wash and dry blueberries, then add some of the blueberries to the batter and mix. Heat a little oil in a frying pan. Pour the … Read more

Braised Cucumbers with Egg

For the braised cucumbers with egg, wash and hard boil the eggs, rinse and cut into quarters. Wash and clean the onion pods and cut them into fine rings. Peel the garlic, press it through the press. Parsley, wash, shake dry, if necessary read and chop finely. Wash the lemon with hot water, take some … Read more

Rasputin Sundae

Peaches, it’s the whole great) in bowls form, whipped cream on top, then pour a little bit of butter and top with the chopped pistachios. Voila! Serve with a good espresso or possibly cafÂ.

Oatmeal Soup

Melt the butter in a pot and fry the onion in it, add the grated carrots and the oat flakes. Add about 1 l of water and season with salt, pepper and chili powder. Continue cooking the soup. Finally, stir the beaten egg into the soup with a whisk and refine with parsley.

Red Fruit Jelly

Bring the fruit nectars to the boil with the sugar. Mix cornstarch with raspberry syrup and stir into the fruit nectar, bring to the boil once and season with cassis. Pour the hot liquid over the berries, mix everything and stir again and again while it cools down. Arrange the red fruit jelly and serve.

Ribbeck’s Pear Feast

Try this delicious pasta dish: Dumplings: in a large baking bowl, stir 80 g soft butter well – add one egg – stir – add second egg – stir very well. Stirring is the most strenuous, but also the most important activity in this delicious peasant feast. If you do not stir enough, the dumplings … Read more


Fry bacon and onions together, fill up with clear soup, add shredded carrots and potatoes, season with caraway seeds. Then fill up with the remaining ingredients, simmer gently, season and refine with créme fraiche before serving. Our tip: Use a bacon with a strong flavor – so you give this dish a special touch!