Lemongrass Pumpkin Soup

For the lemongrass-pumpkin soup, cut the onions and pumpkin into pieces and fry both in clarified butter. Add the pressed garlic and pour vegetable soup. Cook for 20 minutes and then puree. Season with herb salt, nutmeg, pepper and lemongrass. Garnish with chopped parsley and whipped cream. Add water depending on consistency.

Leek and Egg Gratin with Sauce Mornay

For the Leek and Egg Gratin, cut the leeks into rings and sauté in melted butter until soft, season to taste and pour into a baking dish. Preheat the oven to the highest setting. For the sauce, melt the butter in a bain-marie, gradually add the flour and then slowly pour in the milk, stirring … Read more

Broccoli and Potato Casserole

For the broccoli and potato casserole, first cook the broccoli florets in a little salted water until al dente, strain. Separate the eggs. Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff. Mix egg yolks with curd, mustard and spices until well blended. Carefully fold in beaten egg whites. Mix with broccoli and spread … Read more

Tofu Sour Cream

Blend the ingredients in a mixer until smooth, scraping along the sides of the mixer so that the tofu flows toward the center. If you want to keep a thinner sour cream, add a little more liquid. Pour into a suitable bowl or jar and refrigerate. The sour cream tastes good with fried potatoes with … Read more

Elderberry Cake with Red Wine

For the elderberry cake with red wine, cream the butter with the eggs and whole cane sugar. Sift the wholemeal flour with cocoa, cinnamon and baking powder, add the hazelnuts and gently fold into the egg mixture, alternating with the red wine. Mix in the elderberries, grate in some nutmeg and spread into a greased, … Read more

Double Chocolate Shock Mug Cake

For the Double Schokoschock Mug Cake, first break the chocolate into pieces. Place in the mug with the butter and melt in the microwave at 600 watts in about 30 seconds. Whisk the chocolate butter with a fork or mini whisk until smooth. Stir in the sugar and milk. Add the egg and whisk thoroughly. … Read more

Duck a L Orange

Preheat the stove to 180 °C. Remove the excess fat from the duck, season with salt and season with pepper. Then place the duck in a roasting pan, spread the coarsely chopped onions evenly over it and roast in the stove for 60 minutes. From time to time baste with the liquid that forms. Cut … Read more

Chocolate Orange Cupcakes

For the chocolate orange cupcakes, preheat the oven to 160°C top and bottom heat. Place the paper cups in the muffin tray. In a bowl, mix the dry ingredients for the muffins (except for the chocolate chips). Beat oil and eggs until fluffy, add orange juice. Add the dry ingredients one spoonful at a time. … Read more