Acciughe Ripiene – Stuffed Anchovies

Rating: 5.0 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Clean and rinse the anchovies, remove the heads and remove the center bone by making an incision on the belly side, making sure not to cut them into two pieces. Rinse thoroughly under running water and dry.

Cut cheese into narrow strips. Fill each anchovy with one anchovy fillet and one cheese strip and seal. Then turn them in the flour, then in the beaten eggs and finally in the breadcrumbs on the other side.

Bring plenty of oil to a boil in a frying pan and fry the anchovies in batches until golden brown. Briefly place on kitchen paper and season with salt (remember that the anchovy fillets used as filling are already salted!).

Arrange on a platter garnished with lemon wedges and bring to the table on the spot.

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