Apricot Jam with Apple Cider and Apricot Brandy

Rating: 3.9184 / 5.00 (49 Votes)

Total time: 30 min



Wash well ripened apricots in lukewarm water, dry, remove seeds and cut into small pieces.

Place in a saucepan with Viennese jelling sugar and the apple cider, let steep for a few hours. Then bring to a boil while stirring and boil for 6¿8 minutes until bubbling. Make a jelly test. Remove from heat, stir in the apricot brandy, immediately pour into prepared jars and seal tightly.

Preparation Tip:

Apricots can be made into jam and marmalade both with and without the peel. Finer is the jam made from peeled apricots. If you don't want to spend so much time or if you don't mind small pieces of peel in the jam, it will also taste like this.

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