Baked Apple Jam with Cinnamon and Nuts

Rating: 3.7992 / 5.00 (239 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

For approx. 14 glasses, à 200 ml:


For the baked apple jam with cinnamon and nuts, brush apples all over with oil and roll in fine crystal sugar or sprinkle well with the preheated oven at 250 °C for about 45 minutes until soft (possibly add pieces of cinnamon bark).

Strain the apples (3/4) (yields approx. 2.4 kg of puree), boil with jelly sugar and lemon juice until jelly test is done.Brown walnuts a little in the tube, grate and add to the jam according to taste and season with a little cinnamon.

Immediately fill the baked apple jam with cinnamon and nuts into glasses, drizzle alcohol over it with an eyedropper, light and seal immediately.

Preparation Tip:

If the apples are not so juicy, you can stir in additional apple juice after straining or already during cooking.The baked apple jam with cinnamon and nuts is best suited as a filling for pancakes, pies and roulades.

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