
Rating: 3.8276 / 5.00 (29 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



For the Bratl cut the belly meat on the skin side slightly cubed, when it is ready, you can cut down beautiful cuts.

Then salt the meat really well so that it is nice and white. Put the meat on the tray and put a little caraway seed on the cut skin side (which is facing up).

Dissolve the gravy cubes in some water and put them on the tray to roast. (Approx. 1 cm high the water and gravy mixture should stand in the tray).

Then put the good piece into the preheated oven. Set top and bottom heat to about 180°C and roast for about 2 hours. The last half hour step-by-step increase to 250°C. This gives the roast a wonderful crust.

Preparation Tip:

The Bratl can be enjoyed either cold (with horseradish and a fresh brown bread) or warm with potatoes and napkin slices.

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