Brown Bear

Rating: 3.5735 / 5.00 (68 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



For brown bears, first prepare a short pastry according to the basic recipe. Roll out on floured work surface, cut out circles and bake at 200 °C for approx. 8 minutes (on sight!). Let cool completely.

In the meantime, melt the chocolate coating in a water bath, finely grate the dark chocolate. For the ears, knead fondant until soft, separate small balls, shape into rounded triangles and roll in cocoa until brown all over.

Once cookies are cool, coat with chocolate glaze, sprinkle with chocolate shavings and dust thickly with cocoa powder (works best if you press the cookies, glazed side first, into the cocoa powder). Press each of 2 fondant ears, 2 chocolate doughnuts as eyes, and 1 chocolate drop as a snout into the still soft topping.

Let brownies dry and store in a cool place.

Preparation Tip:

For triple chocolate brownies, chocolate tigers knead an additional approx. 2 tsp. cocoa powder (unsweetened) into the shortbread.

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