Carinthian Kasnudel

Rating: 3.5536 / 5.00 (56 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For the Carinthian noodles:


Boil potatoes, peel, strain and mix with the remaining ingredients to a well kneadable, smooth farce. Form small balls from this. Mix all ingredients well and knead into a smooth, not too firm pasta dough. Wrap the dough in aluminum foil and let it rest for about 1 hour. Then roll out the dough with a rolling pin to the thickness of the back of a knife and cut it into square pieces large enough to place the respective filling, formed into small balls, on top of it and fold the dough over it like a pocket, in such a way that the filling is fully covered with it and, in addition, a margin of about 1 cm remains for the decoration. This edge is first well pressed together and then with a pastry wheel to a preferably uniform crescent shape ausadelt. Depending on the skill, the edge is then “crimped” further with thumb and forefinger as decoratively and undulatingly as possible. In the meantime, bring plenty of salted water to the boil, in which the pasta is placed and left to simmer for about 10 minutes. In between, sometimes stir carefully so that no noodle can stick to the bottom of the pot or to the wall. Afterwards the noodles are taken out of the water with a dumpling lifter, arranged on preheated plates and before serving, depending on the kind of filling, poured over with melted butter or lard, sometimes also with rendered bacon cubes.

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