Coconut Topping Cream Cake with Raspberry Layer

Rating: 3.6316 / 5.00 (19 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 12.0 (servings)

For the dough:

For the curd cream:

For the raspberry mirror:

To decorate:


For the coconut cream cake with raspberry layer, first prepare the dough. Mix butter, egg yolks and powdered sugar, beat until stiff and add to the yolk mixture alternately with the coconut flakes. Pour into a springform pan and bake at 170° for about 25-30 minutes.

For the curd cream, whip the cream until stiff and mix in the curd, vanilla sugar, a little lemon juice and powdered sugar. Soak the gelatine in water, dissolve in the warmed berry liqueur, pour into the curd mixture and refrigerate. Spread the cream on the cooled base and refrigerate again.

For the raspberry layer, heat the raspberries with the powdered sugar in a saucepan and bring to the boil with a little water. Soften the gelatine in water, add to the raspberry mixture and bring to the boil until the gelatine has dissolved. Let cool and spread on the curd cream. It is best to place the coconut curd cream cake with raspberry layer in the refrigerator overnight.

Preparation Tip:

You can still decorate the finished coconut topping cream cake with raspberry layer with whipped tops, chocolate rolls and raspberries.

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