Creepy Monster Mouths

Rating: 3.561 / 5.00 (41 Votes)

Total time: 15 min



For spooky monster mouths, first wash and core the apples and cut each into 8 wedges. Immediately brush all over with lemon juice and sprinkle with a little sugar.

For the eyes, cut four marshmallows into 2 thick slices each. In the center of each of these 8 marshmallow slices, paint a dot as a “pupil” with food coloring. Stick the eyes on toothpicks. Cut remaining marshmallows in half as needed (they should all be the same height).

Spread peanut butter on one side of apple wedges. Top half of the coated wedges with about 5 marshmallows each, and cover them with the remaining wedges (peanut butter side down). Stick two toothpick eyes on each of these “mouths”.

Arrange spooky monster mouths on a serving platter and serve as soon as possible.

Preparation Tip:

Spread creepy monster mouths with Nutella or red jam instead of peanut butter.

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