Creepy Toast with Spider Web

Rating: 3.7869 / 5.00 (61 Votes)

Total time: 30 min



For the spooky toast with spider web first chop the ham and mix with cheese.stir in sour cream, salt and pepper.

Spread the mixture on 6 slices of toast, cover with the remaining slices.

Beat the eggs in a bowl, then heat the sunflower oil in a frying pan.briefly dip the toasts in the eggs, turn them in it and then fry in the hot pan until golden brown.

Drain the finished toasts between two sheets of kitchen roll. Use ketchup to draw a spider web on (or on the plate next to) the toasts.

It is best to serve the spooky toasts with spider web immediately and enjoy them while they are still warm.

Preparation Tip:

Fill and garnish the spooky toast with spider web according to your personal taste! For example, the recipe also works as a classic ham and cheese toast or toast hawaii. The spider web can be made with any sauce you like: Mayonnaise, mustard, cocktail sauce ...

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