Duck Breast with Cherry Balsamic Vinegar

Rating: 3.5532 / 5.00 (47 Votes)

Total time: 30 min



For the duck breast with cherry balsamic, first preheat the steamer to 100 °C.

Remove the skin from the duck breast fillets, pat dry and cut the skin into even diamonds with a sharp knife.

Then salt and pepper the duck fillets, place them on an unperforated, oiled cooking tray and steam for 12-14 minutes.

Pour the duck stock from the tray into a saucepan, bring to the boil once and deglaze with the kirsch. Reduce slightly and add the balsamic glaze. Season again and serve duck breast with cherry balsamic.

Preparation Tip:

Serve with the duck breast with cherry balsamic, for example, fresh salad and rice or potatoes.

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