Duck Breast with Citrus, Chicory and Vinaigrette

Rating: 3.907 / 5.00 (43 Votes)

Total time: 30 min


For the vinaigrette:


For the duck breast with citrus, chicory and vinaigrette, first sear the duck breast over moderate heat so that the inside remains rare. Sauté the chicory leaves with a little oil in a non-stick pan.

Then arrange the chicory on the plates, place the duck breast cut into even pieces on top and garnish with the pulp of the already peeled citrus.

Serve the duck breast with citrus fruits, chicory and vinaigrette of Aceto Balsamico di Modena IGP Ponti.

Preparation Tip:

Rice also goes well with the duck breast with citrus, chicory and vinaigrette.

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