
Rating: 3.6721 / 5.00 (61 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



For the coffee nibs, knead a shortcrust pastry from the top 4 ingredients and chill for 1 hour. S

Bring the whipped cream to the boil with the vanilla sugar and the coffee, and put it in the refrigerator as well. Knead the dough again and roll out 3mm thin and cut out small flowers.

Bake at 180°C degrees top/bottom heat for about 8 minutes. Whip the cooled whipped cream with a hand mixer until stiff, add more sugar to taste. Coat half of the cookies with a icing made of powdered sugar and coffee and garnish with a coffee bean.

When the icing has dried, glue two cookies – a top and a bottom – together with the cream and the coffee liners are ready.

Preparation Tip:

The Kaffeelinzer are a nice Advent gift for the coffee gossip girlfriends. I like to fill the cookies in very large coffee mugs and wrap the whole thing in foil.

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