
Rating: 3.7432 / 5.00 (183 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



Preheat the oven to 180 degrees hot air. For the chestnut cake, beat the egg yolks, 75g sugar, vanilla sugar and salt until very foamy. Mix the chestnut rice with sifted flour and gingerbread crumbs. Beat the egg whites briefly and then gradually add the remaining sugar until you have a firm beaten egg white. Stir a little beaten egg whites into the yolk-sugar mixture, mix with the flour mixture, and then fold in the remaining beaten egg whites without beating out the volume. Finally, briskly mix in the melted butter. Pour the mixture into the buttered and floured bundt pan and bake in the oven for about 45 minutes. Use a baking stick to check if the Gugelhupf is done baking.

Let the finished Gugelhupf rest a little in the pan. Then remove from the Gugelhupfform and sprinkle with powdered sugar after complete cooling.

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