
Rating: 3.4118 / 5.00 (17 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 1.0 (servings)


Chocolate glaze:


For the chestnut tart, score the chestnuts on the round side, place them on a baking tray, sprinkle with water and roast in the oven at 120 degrees Celsius for about 10 minutes until they crack, remove the skin, fill in a pot with water and cook for about 1/2 hour until soft, quickly strain.

Beat the egg yolks with 2/3 of the sugar until creamy, mix with vanilla sugar, breadcrumbs and 120 g of the strained chestnuts.

Whip the egg whites with the remaining sugar until stiff, fold in the beaten egg whites. Pour the mixture into a cake springform pan with butter on the bottom, bake at 180 degrees, and when cool, cut in half crosswise.

Whip the cream until stiff, mix with the remaining chestnuts, fill the cake with it and put the two halves together.

For the chocolate glaze, dissolve the butter and chocolate in a bain-marie, bring the water and sugar to the boil briefly, and when cool, mix by the spoonful with the melted chocolate.

Spread a thin layer of jam on the chestnut cake and cover with chocolate icing.

Preparation Tip:

Serve chestnut tart with whipped cream!

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