Nectarine Tomato Ketchup and Goose Crostini with Apple and : > Sage

Rating: 2.0 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Nectarine ketchup:

Goose Crostini With Apple And Sage:


The tomato ketchup goes well with meat but also with fish. Filled in hot screw jars, it keeps for a few weeks in the refrigerator – and makes a nice hostess gift for the next barbecue party.

Heat a casserole and mold the sugar into it. Once it’s caramelized to a light color, add the garlic, shallots and chili and stir in enough fruit juice to coat the fruit. Add a little salt and pepper and simmer for a few minutes. When the whole thing is soft, remove the casserole from the stove and crush the tomato ketchup and strain it through a perforated sieve.

Season with salt, pepper and juice of a lemon and serve warm or possibly cooled.

Tip: Try it with other fruits, such as cherries, plums, apricots# Uncomplicated finger food, with soups and salads or simply with beer and wine Fry the bread slices in a heavy frying pan until crispy and then place on a paper towel to remove excess fat. Do not wash your pan at this stage, but roast the apples in the same lard at a low temperature until golden.

Remove the frying pan from the heat and mix the sage into the apples, spreading them evenly over the crostini. Sprinkle with sea salt and bring to the table warm or cooled.

Tip: Try variations with olive oil instead of lard, with thyme in place of sage or possibly substitute

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