Pickelsteiner or Pichelsteiner – Bavaria

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



Cut all meats into bite-sized cubes (approx. 3 x 3 cm), coarsely chop onions, halve leeks lengthwise and cut into finger-thick pieces, cut leftover vegetables into slices about 5 mm thick.

Heat oil in a large roasting pan and fry marrow slices in it at low temperature, remove and set aside.

Brown meat cubes in the same fat over high to medium heat and remove repeatedly. Sauté onions and potatoes in portions and remove from cooking pot. Sauté vegetables also in portions and remove.

Fill roaster in layers with vegetables, potatoes and meat, season with salt and pepper. Finally, add the potatoes and place the slices of marrow on top. Pour the clear soup on the sides.

Bring the pickesteiner to a boil at high temperature and simmer at low temperature with the lid closed for one and a half hours.

Chop parsley and chives and sprinkle over pickle stew.


In another work “Das altbayrische Küchenjahr” (The old Bavarian kitchen year) the same author transfers the first Pickelsteiner meal however to the year 1839. Again it is his name day, on which “his grace, the Kgl.

B. Rias-Bucher reports, however, that the problem is by no means solved: the small town of Regen, located north of the Büchelstein in the Bavarian Forest, celebrates an annual Pickelsteiner feast in July, on the first Sunday after Jakobi. For another author, 1830 is the P

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