Polenta with Gorgonzola and Pesto Rosso

Rating: 3.6 / 5.00 (20 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Pesto Rosso:


Bring salted water to a boil, remove pot from heat. Mix in the polenta. Half with the lid closed, gently simmer for five minutes. Put the plate on medium heat. Then make forty minutes without lid, stirring occasionally.

Gently roll the tomatoes in Merlot for a quarter of an hour. Leave to stand for one night, then finely grind in a hand blender with the addition of a tiny bit of olive oil. At the end, mix well with the grated Parmesan cheese as well as the olive oil.

Cut the gorgonzola into slices.

Spread half of the polenta in a shallow buttered gratin dish. Place the slices of gorgonzola on one half and spread the pesto rosso evenly on the other half. Cover everything thinly with the rest of the polenta and sprinkle with some butter flakes. Bake for twenty minutes in the oven heated to 150 °C.

Serve with salad.

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