Red Fruit Jelly with Marinated Strawberries and Sweet Basil Pesto

Rating: 3.6 / 5.00 (75 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

To divide:

For the caramel strawberries:

For the basil pesto:

To decorate:


For the red fruit jelly with marinated strawberries and sweet basil pesto, divide the red fruit jelly into glasses.

For the caramel strawberries, melt the sugar while stirring until light brown. Carefully stir in the water and simmer until the caramel is completely dissolved.

Remove from the heat and stir in the strawberries well. Puree the whole thing. Stir in the cake jelly with the strawberries and divide into the glasses when cool.

For the basil pesto, mix the basil well with olive oil and pine nuts and blend coarsely. Stir in the chocolate well and divide into the glasses. Whip the cream with cream stiffener.

Decorate the red fruit jelly with whipped cream and basil leaves as desired.

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