Red Mullet Fillet with Lobster and Mussels on Basil Linguine

Rating: 3.8611 / 5.00 (36 Votes)

Total time: 30 min


For the basil linguine:


Divide the fish fillets into four pieces, salt and pepper. Cook lobster according to instructions, break out and divide into pleasing medallions. In a small saucepan, strongly heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Add cleaned mussels in their shells, add rosemary, cover with lid and cook vigorously for 2 minutes. Take out opened mussels and let them cool down. Remove all but 4 mussels. Add remaining oil and fry fish fillets briefly on skin side until crispy and flesh is still nice and glazed. Meanwhile, repeatedly baste with butter. Finally, add lobster medallions and mussels in their shells and heat briefly. Season with salt and pepper. Cook prepared linguine in boiling salted water until al dente. For the basil butter, wash basil and spin dry. Beat butter until fluffy, mix with basil and season with a little salt. Strain linguine and toss while still hot in a pan with basil butter and salt. Fry bell bell pepper cubes in olive oil until al dente and arrange on warmed plates. Arrange linguine on top, drape red mullet fillets, lobster medallions and mussel in shell next to it. Briefly heat the remaining deveined mussels in the butter-mounted lobster sauce, but do not boil. Drizzle over the top and garnish with fresh basil.

Preparation Tip:

If you increase the amount of red mullet fillets, the cost factor lobster can of course be omitted.

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