Red Noodles with Green Sauce

Rating: 3.6757 / 5.00 (74 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour


For the noodles:

For the sauce:


For the red pasta with green sauce, mix the ingredients for the pasta dough. While kneading, add the red beet juice by the spoonful. The dough should be soft but not sticky after about 7 minutes of kneading. Form a ball, wrap in plastic wrap and let rest for 1 hour.

Then roll out 1-2 mm thick and cut thin ribbon noodles either with a pasta machine or with a knife.

Boil the noodles in salted water for about 3 minutes. Chop onion and garlic and sauté in hot oil until translucent. Pour in Soy Cuisine and simmer for 5 minutes.

Add spinach and salt and simmer for another 5 minutes. Place pine nuts on a baking tray and brown under supervision at 180°C top heat. Serve the finished red pasta with the spinach sauce and pine nuts.

Preparation Tip:

The spinach sauce tastes wonderful on store-bought pasta, even when it's not red.

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