Ribbeck’s Pear Feast

Rating: 3.2 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For The Pears:

Bacon and onions:


Try this delicious pasta dish:

Dumplings: in a large baking bowl, stir 80 g soft butter well – add one egg – stir – add second egg – stir very well. Stirring is the most strenuous, but also the most important activity in this delicious peasant feast. If you do not stir enough, the dumplings will take revenge later during cooking, remain solid and will not emerge. Boil the potatoes without salt, dry them well, steam them, mash them with a masher or electric mixer to make mashed potatoes. Add by spoonfuls to the egg-butter mixture and stir – stir until a smooth paste forms. Add one to two tsp. salt and a little grated nutmeg to the dough. Stir five to eight tablespoons of wheat flour into the potato mixture until well blended. Start with the lesser flour, the quantum will be according to the consistency of the potato mass.

The pears: Peel the pears, cut them in half. Remove casing, put in a suitable bowl with water as well as the juice of half a lemon form, this will prevent the fruit from tarnishing.

In a saucepan put the pears on the fire just covered with water, add enough sugar, 4-6 tbsp, each according to the type of pears.

Add the juice of half a lemon, lemon, besides its acidity, develops a fine spiciness. Add a mug of mild wine (e.g. Rhine wine) and a 3 cm long piece of cinnamon stick, stir lightly, cook on low heat until tender, but not too soft. Season in between, cook pr

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