Semolina Dumplings in Orange-Pistachio Caramel with Orange Sabayon

Rating: 2.7778 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

Semolina dumplings:

Orange pistachio caramel:

Orange sabayon:


Semolina dumplings: Boil salt, milk, sugar and vanilla sugar. Add the semolina and toast until a white coating forms on the bottom.

Using a food processor or mixer, add the butter and lemon zest to the mixture while it is still hot.

Then gradually add the egg and the egg yolks. Form small dumplings from the mixture and place in the refrigerator for about 1 hour. Then cook in boiling water with a little salt for about 10 minutes.

orange-pistachio-caramel: let the sugar melt until light brown. Add the grated orange peel and vanilla pulp, sweat briefly, pour in the orange juice and boil heartily. It must be a thick syrup. Roll the drained dumplings in the caramel and sprinkle the pistachios on top.

Orange sabayon: Whip the orange juice with sugar and egg yolks on a hot water bath until creamy. Remove from the water bath and continue beating briefly until fluffy, creamy and smooth. Season with the Cointreau.

Divide the dumplings evenly on plates and drizzle with the sabayon and a tiny bit of the caramel.


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