Tapas Variations

Rating: 2.0 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (Portionen)

Padron peppers:

Mini # Crab - Cakes with cilantro and melon:

Melon caviar with dried ham:

Gazpacho with prawns and celery salt:


Pimientos de Padrón Fry the peppers briefly in hot oil and then remove the skin. Put them in a shallow dish and marinate with olive oil and sea salt.

Mini # Crab – Cakes with coriander and melon

Chop the crab meat and 50 g of shrimp into small pieces (keep remaining shrimp for garnish), then squeeze well in a crockery hanger and put the meat into a large enough bowl. Chop cilantro into small pieces. Add bread crumbs, mayo, yolks, cilantro, pepper and salt and mix well. The mixture should be relatively firm. Make small meat loaves from the mixture and fry them in a frying pan with oil on both sides. Cut out small balls from the melon pulp with a ball cutter. Place a melon ball on each crab cake, top with a shrimp and a cilantro leaf shape and pin tightly with a skewer.

Melon caviar with dried ham Remove the skin and seeds from the melon, cut 250 g of flesh into coarse pieces and blend finely with alginate and a little bit in a hand mixer. Then let the juice rest in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

Mix 500 ml of water with Calcic and also let it rest a little bit.

Draw up the melon juice into a plastic syringe (from the pharmacy) and add it drop by drop to the Calcic water. Immediately remove repeatedly with a slotted spoon and rinse the small melon caviar droppers with clear water.

Melon caviar on ham slices form and roll up

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