Taramas – Taramosalata, Fish Roe Cream

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Total time: 5 min



The salted fish eggs (tarama) are available in Greek wholesalers and in some Greek and Turkish grocery stores. There are 3 kg buckets for gastronomy and portion packs for private consumption.

The preparation methods are very different as well as the quantities. But the order of preparation must be followed in detail to obtain a soft, thick cream that is not too salty and tastes delicately of the sea.

Remove the roe from the bag and place it in a saucepan. Pour the juice of one lemon over it and mix it with the whisk/hand mixer. The paste will become liquid and during this first mixing, most of the fish eggs should already burst open so that they can then mix with the olive oil.

Gradually add the olive oil in small portions as you would when making mayo. A little bit of water stirred in now and then can speed up the process. The whole procedure takes time.

The slow stirring is so important because fish eggs and olive oil combine only gradually.

However, this combination is the secret of a successful fish roe cream, because only through the olive oil the roe mass loses its salty taste. Patience is a necessary condition in the preparation of taramosalata. The mixing of fish eggs and olive oil is successful when the whipped quantity has a continuous light pink color, i.e. when there are no dark spots on it.

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