Tobacco Rolls

Rating: 3.1111 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min




Put flour, salt and sugar in a large enough bowl. Add butter, cut into pieces, rub everything together until the mixture is evenly crumbly. Add egg and wine, mix everything together very briefly to form a dough. Leave to cool for about 1/2 hour.

Roll out the dough to a rectangle 3-4 mm thick, fold into 3 parts (lengthwise and diagonally). Wrap in foil and rest in the refrigerator for thirty minutes.

Now roll out and fold again. Make sure that the dough is rolled out in a different direction each time. This will happen by itself if the edges of the dough are always on the right and on the left side.

Now roll out the dough to a rectangular shape (45 x 36 cm) 2 mm thick and cut into strips 3 cm wide and 36 cm long. Wrap these strips around tobacco roll rolls or possibly around wooden rolls of 2 cm diameter and 12 cm length, so that the next strip of dough slightly overlaps the previous one. Brush the ends of the dough with water, press smooth.

Bake floating: fry in deep-frying oil at 180 °C until golden brown. Take out, drain, pull out the Hoelzli while the pastry is still warm.

Fill tobacco rolls with a little jam and turn to the other side in cinnamon sugar, if desired.

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